Any factory specified under schedule I to the Act or any establishment notified by the cental government, which employs 20 or more employees has to register under the Provident Funds and Misellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. The registration is optional for the establishments which have below 20 employees. Employer has to calculate the PF for the employees drawing wage of Rs. 15,000/- or below in a month and it is optional to opt PF for employees drawing a wage more than Rs. 15,000/-. The employer has to deduct 12% of basic salary + DA of employee and employer also pay an equal amount to PF department. The employer also needs to pay 0.5% of basic salary+DA of employee to Employee Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme and apart from it, he also has to pay an administration charges of 0.5% of basic salary+DA of employee to the PF department. Out of 12% contribution of employer portion, 8.33% will be paid towards pension scheme and rest 3.67% paid towards Provident Fund.
“Employee” means any person who is employed for wages in any kind of work, manual or otherwise, in or in connection with the work of an establishment and who gets his wages directly or indirectly from the employer and includes any person:
The definition of “employee”, includes a part-time employee, who is engaged for any work in the establishment, a sweeper working twice or thrice in a week, a night watchman keeping watch on the shops in the locality, a gardener working for ten days in a month, etc.
On the question whether casual or temporary workmen should be included for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of workmen in terms of Section 1(3) it was held by the Rajasthan High Court in Bikaner Cold Storage Co. Ltd. v. Regional P.F. Commissioner, Rajasthan, 1979 Lab. I.C. 1017, that persons employed in the normal course of the business of the establishment should be considered as the persons employed for the purposes of Section 1(3)(a) and persons employed for a short duration or on account of some urgent necessity or abnormal contingency, which was not a regular feature of the business of the establishment cannot be considered as employees for the purpose of determining the employment strength in relation to the applicability of Section 1(3)(a). In the case of P.F. Inspector v. Hariharan, AIR 1971 S.C. 1519, the Supreme Court held that casual workers are not covered under EPF.
It is beneficial for the employees as they get pension once they retire from the employment.
If employee death occours during the service period, the insurance amount will be paid through Employee Deposit Linked Insurance scheme. A maximum of Rs. 6 lakhs will be paid.
When employee is in need of funds for the construction of his house, he can claim a portion of PF from the department.
If employee is need of his daughter's marriage, he can withdraw a partial amount from PF Account.
If the employee is in need of funds for his/her further education, he/she can withdraw amount from PF.
We will prepare all the documents in order for online uploading with the EPF Department's web portal.
We will upload the documents with the EPF web portal online and append your digial signature or get the form successfully uploaded with Aadhar authentication.
After scrutiny, the Officer will approve the form and issues you the Certificate of Registration Online through their web portal, then you can enroll eligible employees and update their KYC.
Form No. 9 (Revised) prescribed under Para 36( I) of the Employees' Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 is a consolidated return of the employees admitted as members of the EPF, EPS and EDLI Schemes at the time of initial coverage of the establishment under the Act. This return will be received only once at the time of coverage.
This is the first return by the employer. Every employer in relation to a factory or other establishment to which the Act applies on the date of coming into force of the Employees’ Provident Funds (Tenth Amendment) Scheme, 1961, or is applied after that date, shall furnish in duplicate to the Regional Commissioner in Form No. 5A annexed hereto, particulars of all the branches and departments, owners, occupiers, directors, partners, manager or any other person or persons who have the ultimate control over the affairs of such factory or establishment and also send intimation of any change in such particulars.
Every member (ie.employee) of the Fund has to furnish declaration and nomination in Form 2 (Revised) nominating one or more persons to receive the amount standing to his credit in the fund in the event of his death. This form is to be filed for the purpose of declaration and nomination of employee. It will be filed by an employee when he joins the establishment.
It is a monthly return showing particulars of employees admitted to the Fund for the first time during the month. Forms 5 and 10 are combined into a single form with columns of Form 10 printed on the reverse. The due date for the submission of this return is 15th of the month.
A monthly return of subscribers leaving service during the preceding month will be received in Form No. 10 on or before the 15th of the month. It is a monthly report which contains details of employees who have left the establishment in a particular month.
Under Para 38 (2) of the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme, the employer has to submit a monthly statement in Form -12A within 25 days of the close of each month showing the total no. of employees and subscribers under Employees' Provident Fund, Pension Fund and Insurance Fund, total amount of wages, member's share of Employees Provident Fund contribution, employer's share of Employees Provident Fund contribution, Pension Fund and Insurance Fund contribution, Administrative Charges due under EPF and IF with full details of remittances made.
The employer shall prepare a conrtibution card in Form-3A in respect of every employee in his employment at the commencement of the schemes or who is taken into employment after that date and who is required or entitled to become or is a member of the Fund. The Form 3A (Revised) shall also contain the paticulars of contributions recovered towards Pension Fund and the period of non-contributory service. Form 3A should be sent for data entry for compilation of annual accounts. The accuracy of contributions shall be verified by the computer. The final verified total of check list of Form 3A should be deemed as dues and proper modification should be made in Form 6A (Revised)/OCB Register (Revised) for recovery/adjustment, as the case may be.
The employer shall send the consolidated annual contribution statement in Form 6A, showing the total amount of recoveries made during the period of currency from the wages of each member and the total amount contributed by the employer in respect of each such member for the said period. The duplicate copy of this return will be verified by the Enforcement Officer during the course of inspection and ensure that the reconciliation is properly effected (i.e. with Form-12A). Form 6A (Revised) viz. the consolidated annual contribution statement is required be submitted by the employer within one month of the close of the financial year along with contribution cards in Form 3A (Revised).
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Lakshmi Keerthi Reddy Director, Lavanar Sea Food Farming Private LimitedThank you CompaniesHouse for reminding on timely statutory compliance!
Rambabu Director, Cybervillage Solutions Pvt ltdEPF stands for Employee Provident Fund.
EPFO stands for Employee Provident Fund Organisation.
EPS stands for Employee Pension Scheme.
EDLI stands for Employee Deposit Linked Insurance.
A business entity which employes 20 or more employees has to mandatorily register under PF.
It is optional for below 20 employees.
12% of his basic salary plus DA.
Also, the employer has to pay an equal amount of contribution of employee and apart from it he has to pay 0.5% towards employee deposit linked insurance scheme and 0.5% towards administrative charges.
PF registration is completely online, you can regitser it without paying any amount.